Thursday, 6 January 2011

January :)

My favourites :)

A little outfit, top from primark, light coat from primark and jeans from Tesco! :)

Tutorial of my everyday makeup coming soon!

Hope you liked this short post. Only a few photograph's but I don't know what to do really!

Saturday, 1 January 2011

I know i'm not very consistant with these blogs, but as a new years resolution, I think I will try a lot harder with them!
Talking of new years resolutions, i'll tell you a few of mine!
1) Choose for healthy options and do a lot more exercise
2) Make time for a lot more Youtube videos
3) Stay on top of all my work at college
4) Find a job

I think all these New Years resolutions are achievable, so let's hope I stick to them :)

I'm really sad to leave 2010 behind, it has been such a hard/incredible year. I started it off with finishing my GCSE's which were the first huge exams I had to face. It was all a bit hectic with the snow though, as mock GCSE's had to be re-arranged. Going in extra early to school, and staying there way past 5:00pm was tough but it was all worth it in the end. I had my birthday in February which was amazing, my favourite people in the world, Nat, Shane and my sister all went to London for the day, it was so fun :).
Then I left school which was the biggest wake up call ever! I was finally beginning to become more of an adult, and having more responsibilities was scary. But with leaving school came the longest summer ever, it was very fun but sometimes quite boring! But during that summer break, I had our Prom which was just such great fun. Seeing everyone dressed up was amazing and it was an amazing night. All my friends took a gorgeous white limo which was AMAZING. We put on our favourite song, Florence and the Machine + Dizee Rascal - You got the love, on as we got out the limo :) .Natalie and I threw Shane a surprise birthday which was such great fun for everybody and Shane had no idea about it, Nat and I were SO happy no one told him :D

Then the biggest shock of all was going to my new college, I was kind of nervous as first, but not as bad as I thought I would be really. It is just so different from school, but in a good way! I really love it there, I feel so welcomed and at home, everyone knows each other and its a tight community. I love all my courses (Except English Language which can be a bit boring) but other than that, Photography and Media are so fun :)

I'm going to post a few photograph's of my year, hope you enjoy!

All the crazy amount of snow we had in January!

Nat and me coming from my 16th Birthday meal :)

Brighton was so fun! Shopping was great and the pier was cool to see too. On this weekend we also travelled to Birmingham to go to the Chocolate Factory.. yum!

Swanage was really cool. We got to see the red arrows too :)


Alton Towers!! Cousin next to me at the back, sister and her boyfriend at the front :)

One of our first days at college :)

The snow we had in December :)